Sunday, November 1, 2015

The BEST chocolate chip cookies ever!

I've had a few requests for this recipe so here it is!

If you like chocolate chip cookies that are crispy on the edges and soft and chewy in the middle this is the perfect recipe for you!

1 cup butter, softened
1 cup white sugar
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons hot water
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
1 cup chopped walnuts (I don't use these because we have a nut allergy in the family)

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

Cream together the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar until smooth.
Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla.
Dissolve baking soda in hot water.
Add to batter along with salt.
Stir in flour, chocolate chips, and nuts.
Drop by large spoonfuls onto ungreased pans.
Bake for about 10 minutes in the preheated oven, or until edges are nicely browned.

Enjoy and be sure to tell me how you like them!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Our Cloth Diaper Routine

 (Full Stash Shot)

Arwen is now 8 months old. For the most part she's been in cloth since we brought her home from the NICU. We had one pretty bad rash that was due to moisture and a bad washing routine and we had to use disposables until that was all worked out.
I'm confident enough now to show you what works for us! This includes supplies, washing routine and storage.

First off, we use mainly BumGenius brand pocket diapers (with a couple China cheapies and WAHM brand thrown in there). We have 32 diapers in our rotation. Brand new they come with microfiber inserts. We used those for about a month and a half before switching to our old Kawaii prefolds we used during the newborn stage and now use them as inserts. For us personally they had a bad problem holding on to stink and we had a pretty bad ammonia problem until the switch. We also use cloth wipes and a wipe solution made with water and Dr. Bronners Lavender Castile Soap in a spray bottle.

For our washing routine we take the dirty diapers in the wet bag (I'll get to those in a minute!) and add to the washer and do a cold prewash. After the prewash is finished, we add a little more than 2 TBSP detergent. We use mainly Tide Original Powder but Charlie's Soap works well for us too. We wash every other day to every 2 days depending on how busy we are.

From there we do one hot wash, followed by 2 cold rinses to ensure the detergent is rinsed out to avoid build up.
After they are done washing, the prefolds/inserts go into the dryer and the wetbags and diaper covers are hung up to dry (See photo below)to protect the elastic and PUL (waterproof) liner.

The wet bags are always washed in the load with the diapers. We have 2 full sized (large) wet bags from Planet Wise we rotate, so while the dirty one is being washed and dried the clean one is used for the new soiled diapers. Our cloth wipe wetbag is  Planet Wise as well, which gives us the option to wet them before we leave the house or leave them dry and take the spray bottle. We also have 2 travel wet bags for the diaper bag that are smaller from Charlie Banana.

Here are the large ones. The clean one hangs behind the one currently used for dirty diapers until wash time. (Holds about 20 diapers)

 Charlie Banana Travel wet bags (Holds about 6 diapers)

Drying time takes about 3-4 hours indoors. Obviously not for the prefolds but the hanging covers. After everything is dry we have to stuff the prefolds back into the pocket diapers.

I'm a little OCD and like to fold and stack everything before I stuff! LOL

I find it's easier and faster to stuff if everything is organized first.

Finished just as the baby woke up!

For storage we do two things. Since Arwen bedshares with us, we have small 3 drawer dresser in our room. The top drawer is for her diapers and bottom 2 for her clothes. I just throw the wipes up on top by her stack of blankets and carriers. :D

Lastly we keep a few diapers,wipes and spray bottle in the living room by her toys. 

As a bonus
A HUGE help to us was the "diaper sprayer" my Brother-In-Law installed for us. 
I'm not sure what all it took to hook up but it's just a kitchen sprayer and we hang it on the towel rack behind our toilet!

So yeah! That's pretty much it! If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Arwen Ellen Rose

I'm horrible at keeping up with these kinds of things, but I REALLY want to get this out and saved somewhere so I never forget it.
There are semi graphic photos in this post. It's part of labor.... So uh... Deal with it or don't read this post.

September 23rd 2013 we were blessed with another beautiful baby girl.
Arwen Ellen Rose is her name.
Yes, we like Lord Of The Rings. Ellen is my husbands mother's middle name and Rose is from Doctor Who of course.

This is the story of how she came earth side.

September 22nd 2013, It was a Sunday. I was 38 weeks 3 days pregnant. I woke up feeling a little... off.
We woke up and went to church. I had a few decent contractions through out the morning, which wasn't a surprise considering all the prodromal labor I had been having since two weeks prior. Arwen was showing to be Sunny Side Up, so I had a lot of back pain once the prodromal labor started.
The day was mostly relaxing.
I didn't lift a finger other than to make dinner that night. I didn't even wash the dishes or anything. Which, looking back on now, should have been a HUGE sign. I was a nesting/cleaning nazi those last few weeks.
The contractions picked up a little more as the evening progressed. Around midnight or so, Me and Billy tried to go to bed. I layed there for 2 hours and timed contractions that were 2-3 minutes apart and they were getting to be quite painful.
Finally at 2am I got out of bed and decided to take a shower, and see if that helped relax me or bring on more contractions. I was pretty much in denial at this point. I didn't know what natural labor felt like. I didn't know what  contractions  in active labor without Pitocin feels like.
The shower made everything intensify. I stayed in there for about 20 minutes and washed everything quickly, the rest of the time I was in there, I let the water run on my lower back and moaned through every contraction. They felt like they were getting closer. I did a few squats trying to encourage the baby to turn around and get some of the pressure off my back and butt. It didn't work but it was worth a shot.

I got out of the shower and woke Billy up and told him to get our hospital bags and stuff rounded up and I called my Mom who came and picked Jude up and dropped her off at her house with my Dad and sister and we headed to the hospital.
Once we got there and got sent to a observation room, things kinda slowed down a little. I was pretty optimistic they weren't sending us home this time (this was the 5th time we'd been up there after all the preterm labor scares we had). They hooked me up to the monitors and watched me for 2 hours.

 They checked my dilation when we got there. I was dilated to 2cm and 80% effaced. Which was exactly what I was at my midwife appointment 3 days before. After the 2 hours of monitoring I had NO progression.
That's when I got discouraged. How could I have labored all day and have no progress!?
The midwife didn't even come in to see me that time. The nurse came back in with our discharge papers and sent us home. By then it was about 4:30am. We stopped at Waffle House because we were all starving, and I ate the most delicious biscuits and sausage gravy I had ever had and we went home. My mom decided to keep Jude at her house the rest of the morning so she didn't get woken up again and me and Billy went home and got straight into bed.

I somehow managed to fall asleep around 6am and slept hard for exactly an hour.
I woke up suddenly with the weirdest urge to pee. So I literally jumped up and got about a foot away from my bed and felt a big pop and a gush of fluid.
My first thought was "No freaking way, did the hospital just sent me home and THEN my water breaks!" I ran to the bathroom and peed and sure enough more amniotic fluid came out. I immediately started yelling Billy's name to get him to wake up and when he did I told him to call my mom back and quickly. So he did.
While I was still sitting on the toilet the contractions picked up and they were 10x stronger and probably a minute closer together. I called my sister and her husband and they both called into work and we all headed BACK to the hospital. The 15 minute ride there was pure hell. It was 100% hellish back labor. It hurt so bad I couldn't sit still.

I was admitted at exactly 8am. They tested the fluids and confirmed my water broke. I waited until they got me hooked up to everything and immediately got out of the bed so Billy could apply counter pressure to help with the contractions. It was horrible. I'm not going to lie.

My doula Sue showed up at 9:25am and by then, the contractions were literally on top of each other. They were coming so fast and so hard I couldn't breathe. I had started to puke everywhere the pain was so bad. The nurse thought I was in transition already so they checked me and at 9:33am I was almost 6cm and 90%.
Very quickly, was my body getting exhausted. I only had an hour of sleep, I had been laboring all morning and that back labor was not getting any better. It got to a point that with every contraction my knees were bucking and if it weren't for Billy holding me, I would have hit the ground.

This is the hardest part of the story for me. I'm okay with the decision I made... It's admitting it that I hate doing. What I'm about to say only people who were at the hospital know. I was so determined to have a 100% natural labor this time and there are moments were I feel like I failed my self. That I didn't try enough.
At 9:30am I was given an epidural by my own request. I knew, with how tired my body was and how the pain from the back labor there was no way I would have labored however much longer without getting really sick. Finally, after that kicked in, did I rest. The room got quiet and we dimmed the lights. I had my husband and doula by my side both whispering words of encouragement and one of them was feeding me ice chips and the doula kept bringing me popsicles.
At 10:45am the checked me again I was dilated to 7cm. I continued to rest, but never could actually fall asleep. I started to realize I had a growing amount of pressure in my butt. My sister and her husband left to get something to eat.
11:45am by my request they checked me again I was dilated to 9cm.  I frantically told my mom to call them because I needed my sister there with me... I didn't want her to miss the birth. So my mom called them and they came back pretty quickly. I layed there for another hour and a half watching my contractions on the monitor and rode out the feeling of pressure, thankful to still be able to feel something at that point. I started to get a really bad headache and asked for some tylenol which they were reluctant to give me, but I begged. The nurse brought it in and as soon as the water hit my stomach I started to throw up again.
I layed back down and continued to labor until 2:15pm when the midwife came in and I told her I had a LOT of pressure down there and she said she would check me again. I opened my legs and she told me to push a little. I did and my family started freaking out "YOU CAN SEE HER HEAD!" and "Look at all that hair!!!" The midwife and nurse went into action. They dumped some mineral oil down "there" I guess to aid in me not tearing or anything and she gave me the okay to push. 2 pushes later she was out!

Arwen was 5lbs 15.7oz and 18 1/2 inches long, born at 2:17pm on September 23rd 2013.

Her journey in getting here is one I will never forget and it was so special for me!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Overdue Update!

It's been far too long since the last time I've posted anything on here. Life got a little crazy after the holidays. We moved, Billy is still working hard but the biggest thing is... (note: To any Facebook friends reading this, I'm SURE you have caught on by now with all the pictures and status updates but for those who may have missed it:)

Yep. I'm baking another mini me as we speak. As of 5/16 I am 20 weeks along due 10/3/13 and we will find out the gender of this little miracle babe on 5/22!
There has been a handful of stressful issues that have gone on so far this pregnancy, which I will spare. So far according to our midwives, Baby Crowder is healthy.
This last week, I've finally been able to feel all the crazy kicks and rolls I've been waiting for. It's making me so curious to meet this little booger! I can't wait to see what he/she looks like and hold them on the outside!
Jude is excited, and talks to the baby in my belly daily. Billy is over the moon too! 20 weeks or less.... I hope it flies by as fast as this first half did!

I will update again after our next appointment and after we find out who this little baby is!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

A day in the life...

I am pretty sure that I need some coffee or something extremely caffeinated right now.
We just got home from church and J is down for a nap, so I know this is the best opportunity to post this! I know it's been quite a while since my last post. You all know how crazy the holiday's get and everything is just now calming down.
Soooo YEAH.

As of today, it's been a month and a half since we made the decision for me to stay home with Jude and start her on a better schooling routine. No, we aren't getting her ready to go to school... She is already in school. We've also made the decision to keep her at home and give this homeschooling thing a run. I was home-schooled 95% of my education, where as the Hubby was in regular public school 100% of his education. We've thought and prayed long and hard about it and are gonna give it a "trial run" for a few years and see how it goes.
 So after a week or two of being home, I started working with Jude on phonics, writing letters, simple addition and subtraction. She's doing AMAZING! I'm not just trying to toot my own horn here or anything. Watching her little spongy brain absorb all of this information and seeing her use what she's learned is phenomenal! I get so excited to see her little face light up as that little "light bulb" turns on. :)  I can see that for now we've made the right decision and can't wait to see where it goes from here.

One other thing that happened after a few weeks of being home, was the routine that me and Jude fell into. All her life, I was never really big on routine because of the job I had when I was single. The hours were horrendous. 12 hour shifts were normal! It was really hard just getting enough sleep so I just let whatever happen. So now, we have just about the same routine everyday, minus P.E. on Mondays and Weekends when Dad is home. A friend I follow on YouTube really encouraged me to make a "Day in the life" video and I really wasn't interested in it at the time. Eventually I decided to make a  photo version instead and turned it into a little slide show. It was much easier then walking around with a video camera all day. So with that being said, I figured I would share it with you guys!

Keep in mind, that there definitely were things going on that I didn't get pictures of, like me getting Jude dressed or her playing with toys (cause most of that time I was busy doing something else....)

If you have any questions feel free to ask!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Life as a stay at home mom...

Today, officially marks a week of me being home with Jude.
I'm waiting for the excitement to wear off and it hit me. I have worked full time since I was 17, and have been working since I was 15, so this is so weird to me at times.

A few things that I've noticed in the last 7 days.

  • Jude's mood has been incredibly different, she has her mommy around 24/7 now. I have never seen her this happy and content. I think she has been waiting for the last 3 years and 9 months for this. 
  • I thought working a job and being a mom and house wife was hard because I could never get everything I wanted to do done before I passed out somewhere. Minus the job, it still feels that way. I go to bed at night thinking "I didn't get that last basket of clothes folded." or "I should have done the dinner dishes." "Did I get the laundry out of the washer?" and so on...
  • I have to cook or make all 3 meals, 7 days a week... When I was still working and my husband was working there were some meals when neither of us were home. Sometimes I feel like every time I turn around it's meal time again and can't help but think "Didn't we just eat?".
  • My husband is happier. He comes home to a cleaner house, a happy child and a happy wife. A happy husband makes my life a little easier. :)
  • The other day, I dressed up a little and put some make up on. Because it dawned on me, despite getting my daily shower, I was not having to "Get ready to go anywhere" and was feeling kinda... Blaaaah. I couldnt even remember if I had brushed my teeth! 
  • I'm not as tired! My last 2 jobs always scheduled me such crazy hours, closing some nights and having  to open the next morning. It really can take a toll on you. So far I'm getting the same amount of sleep every night and don't have to wake up at 6am anymore. 
  • Lastly, I've noticed how unique and smart my daughter is. She is constantly looking for something to do and is so eager to learn. I lose count how many times she's asked me "What is that? Why does it work? What does that mean?" She's smart as a whip and is a huge huge huge help when I need her to be. She definitely is keeping me on my toes!

I am so happy and thankful for this opportunity to be able to stay home with my daughter. I hope when she's older  and she looks back, she will feels the same way.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pumpkin Pies for Thanksgiving 2012

Every year, on the eve of Thanksgiving,  me and my Mom get together and make pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving day. We make the exact recipe every year. I had my camera handy, so I snapped a few pictures of the process and wanted to share them with ya'll!

The recipe per pie is:
1 can (15oz) of Libby's 100% Pure Pumpkin
1 can of (12oz) of Evaporated Milk
1 unbaked 9 inch deep dish pie shell
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp ground clove
2 large eggs
Preheat oven to 425F

Sorry for the poor quality pictures, I was being lazy with my camera cause I let someone borrow my camera and all my settings were changed and I didn't feel like messing around with it.

                                       Getting all the ingredients together.

                                      We use glass pie plates, but disposables work too. :)

                                       This is the brand pie crusts we used.
                                       Pumpkin and evaporated milk. :)

             Mix Sugar, Salt, Ginger, Cloves, Eggs and Pumpkin together in large bowl.
                                       Then slowly stir in Evaporated Milk.

                                       Pour into pie shell.

Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes. Reduce temperature to 350F and bake 40-50 minutes or until knife inserted near center comes out clean.

                                      Cool on wire rack for 2 hours. Serve immediately or refrigerate.