I'm waiting for the excitement to wear off and it hit me. I have worked full time since I was 17, and have been working since I was 15, so this is so weird to me at times.
A few things that I've noticed in the last 7 days.
- Jude's mood has been incredibly different, she has her mommy around 24/7 now. I have never seen her this happy and content. I think she has been waiting for the last 3 years and 9 months for this.
- I thought working a job and being a mom and house wife was hard because I could never get everything I wanted to do done before I passed out somewhere. Minus the job, it still feels that way. I go to bed at night thinking "I didn't get that last basket of clothes folded." or "I should have done the dinner dishes." "Did I get the laundry out of the washer?" and so on...
- I have to cook or make all 3 meals, 7 days a week... When I was still working and my husband was working there were some meals when neither of us were home. Sometimes I feel like every time I turn around it's meal time again and can't help but think "Didn't we just eat?".
- My husband is happier. He comes home to a cleaner house, a happy child and a happy wife. A happy husband makes my life a little easier. :)
- The other day, I dressed up a little and put some make up on. Because it dawned on me, despite getting my daily shower, I was not having to "Get ready to go anywhere" and was feeling kinda... Blaaaah. I couldnt even remember if I had brushed my teeth!
- I'm not as tired! My last 2 jobs always scheduled me such crazy hours, closing some nights and having to open the next morning. It really can take a toll on you. So far I'm getting the same amount of sleep every night and don't have to wake up at 6am anymore.
- Lastly, I've noticed how unique and smart my daughter is. She is constantly looking for something to do and is so eager to learn. I lose count how many times she's asked me "What is that? Why does it work? What does that mean?" She's smart as a whip and is a huge huge huge help when I need her to be. She definitely is keeping me on my toes!
I am so happy and thankful for this opportunity to be able to stay home with my daughter. I hope when she's older and she looks back, she will feels the same way.